It's not about the leftovers!

Louie and his family disappeared for weeks. 

Neither he, nor his wife, nor their little girl showed up anywhere they were expected. As his good friend, I was getting worried.

I went to their home to see what was wrong. When Louie answered the door he looked bleary-eyed. It was afternoon, but he looked like he just woke up. All the lights were off in the house.

“Louie, are you ok? What’s going on?” I asked.

Only because Louie knew me so well would he tell me the truth. 

“I lost my job. They’ve shut off all the utilities. We don’t have enough money for food. We’re staying in bed to try to keep warm and not get hungry.” 

They thought if they could keep their activity down by staying in bed they wouldn’t need the food they could not afford.

Louie’s situation is not unique. 

Many people on the edge of poverty don’t reach out when they’re hurting. People often lose their connections to friends, family, and anyone who might be able to help. They are overwhelmed by their difficulties. They can get caught up in a downward spiral that they don’t know how to escape.

I immediately got a week’s worth of groceries for the whole family. I did it again the following week. And again the week after that. I took him to church with me. I visited him regularly and encouraged him. In a simple, persistent way I showed him that God would take care of his family … was, in fact, taking care of his family.

Something changed in Louie when I stepped in to help. Even though he was still without a source of income, he began to trust that God would provide for his family. 

Louie’s spirits lifted. His family started regaining their strength. And Louie found another job. They were soon able to pay the utilities to have light, warmth and water. They were soon able to stand on their own.

At His Provision we come alongside the hurting, the poor and the poor in spirit to help them in any way we can. It means providing food, clothing, school supplies, and counseling. It even means supplying fruit trees for an orphanage, a school, and a rehab center. It means sharing the love of God in meaningful ways.

There’s a wonderful story in the Bible about how Jesus fed 5,000 people with 5 small loaves of bread and two small fish, which a young boy had given him. After every person ate all they could hold, “Jesus said, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten.”         – John 6:12-13

At His Provision we give whatever we have to offer. Not only did we help Louie but we help hundreds of hurting people every month by providing food and clothing, personal counseling, transportation, fruit trees, help and hope. 

Louie’s change of heart was obvious. His uncle and brother started spending more time with him after they saw the dramatic change. In time both his uncle and brother gave their lives to Christ. Not only that, but both men have since become pastors, leading others in the transforming love of God.

Now that’s multiplication!

Watch how God multiplies what you offer!