feeding the hungry

My neighbor does not know if she will have food for her next meal.

I don't know exactly why -- I don't know her well enough to ask her such a personal question. 

But based on what I know of the statistics, it could be related to a lack of affordable health care or affordable housing, domestic violence, or somehow related to addictions or mental health issues. Or some combination of these. I also know that public assistance is harder and harder to get. Even if she could get it, at the most it would only cover up to one-third of the poverty level. 

It hurts me to see her like this. I see her trying to be positive, but I'm sure this must be terribly hard for her.

And for her children.

Of the statistics I know, one of the most alarming is that nearly half of all deaths in children under age 5 are due to undernutrition.

But, how can I help?

I live in California where 1 in 5 people struggle with hunger. Near Los Angeles where the largest food-insecure population in the whole nation lives. Where over 500,000 of my neighbors in my own county are food-insecure.

The problem is so big. What can I do?

We know many caring people who want to help someone they care about. Or want to help people they don't even know who might be in a similar situation.

His Provision has been able to help with many stories like this. We put whatever we have to give in God's hands and time and time again He multiplies its impact.

Jesus spoke a blessing and broke the loaves. Then He gave them to His disciples to set before the people. And He divided the two fish among them all.
They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish.
— Mark 6:41-43

We collect and distribute food, clothing, toys, personal items and school supplies from local stores and organizations and distribute every loaf of bread, pencil, and pair of shoes to churches, organizations, individuals and any one in need. 

We help feed over 1,000 in our community every week by delivering to churches, health care organizations, the food banks and the local senior center. We serve:

  • families, children, and singles, especially low-income

  • handicapped children

  • disabled and active seniors

  • victims of local emergencies

  • anyone who is hungry

  • “random gifts of bread” is one of our core programs. We offer bread freely with a smile and no strings attached — in parks, parking lots, local shops and neighborhoods throughout our community. Surprise and delight serves to open up conversations and connections

The food can be a connection to someone who may be struggling more with the issues of life than hunger. This often opens the door to offering connections with other sources of help, and sharing the great news of a loving God who can feed even their deepest needs.

His Provision reaches those across the border, too. So many of our neighbors and friends have dear ones in other countries that struggle with hunger of body and spirit. We regularly supply churches and make our own visits to orphanages, schools, churches and individuals in Mexico and other countries. Blessings have no borders!

  • special trips taking food, clothing, toys, school supplies to orphanages in Mexico

  • sending food and financial aid to the Philippines and Ukraine where political and economic unrest are causing great difficulty for so many

  • we are mindful of their local economies and purchase supplies from their local vendors whenever practical

Won’t you join in our joyous work -- work that touches the life of someone in your neighborhood, and quite possibly your life, too.


Your donation reaches your neighbor with food and other supplies for the body and soul, as well as the spirit.


We supply food and other supplies to people in need through churches and food banks. You can contact them directly if you or someone you know needs help with food.

8301 Elm Aveue
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
(909) 945 8891

5445 Chicago Avenue
Riverside, CA 92507
(951) 682 8990

  • Surprisingly, the Los Angeles area has the largest food insecure population in the U.S.  (www.feedingamerica.org. Accessed 05/31/16).

  • In California 1 in 5 struggle with hunger, while over 500,000 in Riverside and San Bernardino counties are food-insecure (www.feedingamerica.org. Accessed 05/31/16).

  • Nearly half of all deaths in children under age 5 are attributable to undernutrition (UNICEF.org/statistics. Accessed 10/26/16).

His Provision is located 40 miles from downtown Los Angeles in the western Inland Empire (Riverside and San Bernardino counties) of Southern California which includes Rancho Cucamonga, Upland, Pomona, Ontario, Fontana, LaVerne, San Dimas, Chino, and Montclair.

As the reach of our ministry grows, so does our neighborhood.